2017-2018 Instructional Improvement Grant Program
2017-2018 Instructional Improvement Grant Program, UCLA Office of Instructional Development
View more information on the IIP Grant Website.
The Instructional Improvement Grant Program supports curricular experimentation and development and instructional improvement of undergraduate offerings. Projects may be initiated by faculty, departments, or larger units. Proposals should address the specific needs of an undergraduate course or curriculum and explicate an appropriate and cost-effective response to a clearly defined pedagogical problem.
New this year are two initiatives aimed at spreading and sharing teaching improvements more broadly across campus:
- Faculty Improving Teaching (FIT) Communities. These faculty communities of practice will be an opportunity for all grantees to receive ongoing feedback and support from fellow IIP-supported faculty members and OID consultants.
- IIP Grantee Reporting. Every grantee will be expected to present their project in some venue (which could be quite informal). An additional reporting requirement is to provide a list of other instructors or courses which might benefit from similar teaching approaches.
All proposals must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 4, 2018.