Research Coordination Networks in Undergraduate Biology Education – Program Funds Deadline
The RCN-UBE program funds the creation of networks of researchers, educators, and other stakeholders that improve undergraduate biology. Among other things, awards can be used to build community, develop standards, address interdisciplinary topics, and minimize duplication of efforts. The theme of an RCN-UBE proposal can be any topic likely to improve undergraduate biology education.
Full awards: up to $500K, five years
Incubator awards: up to $75K, one year
A list of recent awards can be found at the program summary.
Informational webinars:
- 12:00 p.m. ET, 9 November 2018 (Friday)
- 4:00 p.m. ET, 13 November 2018 (Tuesday)
Register for a webinar here. Connection information is on the registration page.
Proposal deadline: 22 January 2019