“I am graduating this quarter, and I must say it has been the most interesting one thus far. It began quite calmly, and to say it ended with a bang would be an understatement. In the midst of the commotion of the fire, I received a call from Google for my second round of phone interviews. Despite the accumulated stress of my last undergraduate finals ever and being incredibly flustered from an approaching wildfire, I somehow managed to remember our in-class exercise where we practiced being comfortable selling ourselves. I have never liked doing that, but somehow, some way, I was able to muster up the courage to so during that phone call. I have no idea if just that quick few minutes of practicing did the trick, but I do believe the environment that you created for our class was the catalyst that gave me the confidence and belief to speak the way I did. And yesterday, I received my third call where they invited me to one of their new office spaces in Michigan! They will be flying me to Ann Arbor for an in-person interview next week! I am so incredibly grateful for all the amazing insight you have given us this quarter. I see myself implementing them in many facets of my life as I transition into the next step of adulthood.”

“I truly enjoyed taking this course. As a junior, I wish I would have found this course when I was a freshman and would definitely had a positive impact in my UCLA career. If I would have known as a freshman what I know now, the opportunities would be endless. GREAT course and would definitely recommend to anyone that is on the fence about career choices.”

“My whole life I wanted to be a doctor, I had never considered any other path. I became interested in [Clinical Lab Scientist] after the speaker presented in class. After an informational interview, I decided that this was my first career choice.”


“I am so glad I was missing a unit to graduate because this class has been so helpful. I feel encouraged to create a life that fits my values, pushes me to reach my goals, and also keep up with hobbies that will make me happy.”


“I am glad I took this class as it has helped me get a better grasp on what I want to do in the future!! It was a good class to force me to do stuff that I should already be doing, ironically. It opened many new doors for me and motivated me in some easy to be more proactive in considering my future.”


“I was a student and have since graduated. The class was extremely helpful to me, and motivated me to pursue a career in the clinical laboratory setting after hearing from two individuals working in the field.”

From First and Second-Year Students

“I just wanted to let you know that the last day of class, when we practiced interviewing skill, really helped me. I had an interview literally an hour later for the Nursing Volunteer Program at Ronald Reagan and although I still didn’t think it went too well, I got the position!  I definitely will be doing more mock interviews, so I can finally master this skill.  I also will be working in a Neuroscience lab next quarter that deals with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and patients with depression.  Two of my goals this year were to really get involved on campus whether it’s joining extra-curricula’s or something more, and I’m excited to experience both the volunteering program and the lab to see if working in a hospital/lab setting is something I truly like!  I’m so excited to go home and relax, but I’m so happy to have something to look forward to when I come back!”

“I honestly enjoyed my experience with LS 110. This class was an awesome break to have within a science-loaded coursework. It opened my mind to so many resources in terms of career planning that I believe I would definitely refer back to. It also pushed me to create a strong resume and cover letter that I think I would not have worked on, if it wasn’t for this class!”

“I think this course packet is the best textbook I have ever bought, because it will be something I can refer back to forever. I may not always need to go back and reread my psychology textbook (which I paid like $200 for) but this $9 packet will probably be a lifesaver in the future! I may even end up letting my friends and family borrow it to use its sage advice.”

“This class is special because you let me explore myself and my interests instead of just coming and listening to the guest speakers”

 “I feel this class has really helped me to strengthen my professional skills …I am looking forward to the opportunity to put them into action.”

“I enjoyed my time in LS110. I think the class helped open my eyes to the numerous career paths in the life sciences. This class reassured me that there is a career out there that is right for me.”

“I hope to share a lot of the lessons you’ve taught me and my peers throughout my life (which I already have done in a resume workshop for my sorority, I was able to add in more details I learned from class!). This was a very valuable course and I’ve been telling everyone how much I am glad I took it this quarter.”

“I gained a better sense of my goals. This class gave me anxiety because it challenged me to what I truly valued. I felt comforted in knowing that the path to individual success is not a linear path. I felt encouraged to stick to my goals and constantly self-assess. I valued the speakers who came into the class to inform us about their careers in a detail-oriented way.”