The UCLA Library provides a variety of services to assist instructors in inspiring student learning, research, and success.
Part I: Designing Your Course
How will you assess student learning throughout the quarter (“formative assessment”) and at the end (“summative assessment”)?
Part II: In the Classroom
What evidenced-based strategies will you use to enhance student learning?
How will you effectively support learning for ALL students?
How can you leverage polling tools such as iClicker to enhance student engagement and feedback in your classroom?
Part III: Evaluating and Reflecting on Teaching
How can you assess the impact of your course? Includes a mid-quarter evaluation tool you can easily copy from CCLE.
Given the many concerns with focusing only on student evaluations of teaching, what are other ways that you and your institution can assess teaching effectiveness and student learning?
Additional Resources for Faculty
Additional information about CEILS services and programs available throughout the year include individual consultations, summer institutes and programs.
“Bringing Theory to Practice” (BTtoP) workshops are short (1-2 hours) targeted trainings and workshops offered throughout the year.
Campus resources and services to include in your syllabus or post on your course website.
- CIRTL Scholars have added to community knowledge about teaching and learning. They have designed and implemented a Teaching-as-Research investigation, and defended the findings to CIRTL learning-community peers. The significance of CIRTL Scholar Teaching-as-Research work is established through presentation and/or publication of the findings to all-university, regional, national, or international audiences.