Check out these resources for your pedagogical journey and use inside your classroom:

  • Click on CIRTL MOOC Video Resources for Teaching and Learning in the Undergraduate Classroom
  • Click on CEILS Teaching Guide for help building a class from the ground up
  • Click on EPIC for the Excellence in Pedagogy and Innovative Classrooms for resources within Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Click on CAT for the Center for the Advancement in Teaching (formerly the Office of Instructional Development) for events, workshops, and grants for pedagogical innovation in your classroom.
  • Click here to review Free STEM Resources Provided By Public Libraries

Inclusive Teaching Resource Guide

How to Make  Your Teaching More Inclusive

The Chronicle of Higher Education

You may wonder: Is the role of a college instructor to help students feel included and ready to thrive? Is that something I should be doing? As champions of inclusive teaching, we say — emphatically — yes.

Besides teaching content and skills in your discipline, your role is to help students learn. And not just some students. The changing demographics of higher education mean that undergraduates come to you with a wide variety of experiences, cultures, abilities, skills, and personalities. You have an opportunity to take that mix and produce a diverse set of thinkers and problem-solvers.

Teaching inclusively means embracing student diversity in all forms — race, ethnicity, gender, disability, socioeconomic background, ideology, even personality traits like introversion — as an asset. It means designing and teaching courses in ways that foster talent in all students, but especially those who come from groups traditionally underrepresented in higher education.

Traditional teaching methods do not serve all students well. This guide is for any faculty member who believes, as we do, that education can be an equalizer. We share tips here that any instructor can use to minimize inequities and help more students succeed. We’re not suggesting a complete redesign of your courses, but more of an overlay to your current teaching practices.