Members of the Faculty Advisory Committee

The CEILS Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) is responsible for communicating the educational needs and interests of all the departments and interdisciplinary programs in the Life and Physical Sciences.

CEILS FAC Members from the Division of Life and Physical Sciences (in alphabetical order by last name):

Name Titles Home Department and IDP*
Jessica Lynch Alfaro Associate Professor
Vice Chair of Undergraduate Education
Institute for Society and Genetics (ISG)
Don Blasius Professor
Undergraduate Vice Chair
Albert Courey
Professor, Associate Dean of Physical Sciences for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Chemistry and Biochemistry
Robert Gould Academic Administrator, Vice Chair Statistics
Sylvia Hurtado Professor Graduate School of Education & Information Studies (GSE&IS)
Barbara Knowlton Professor
Vice Chair for Undergraduate Studies
Frank Laski Professor
Chair for Life Sciences Core Curriculum
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Beth Lazazzera Associate Professor
Vice Chair for Undergraduate Affairs
Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics (MIMG)
Yung-Ya Lin Associate Professor
Vice Chair of Undergraduate Education
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Jeffrey Long Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Ian McLean


Vice Chair
Physics & Astronomy (PA)
Cully Nordby Academic Director Institute of the Environment and Sustainability (IoES)
Patricia Phelps Professor
Vice Chair
Integrative Biology and Physiology (IBP)
Gilles Peltzer Professor  Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences (EPSS)
Lawren Sack Professor
Vice Chair for Undergraduate Education
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB )
Van Savage Assistant Professor
Co-Vice Chair for Computational and Systems Biology IDP
Biomathematics , Computational and Systems Biology IDP
Jochen Stutz Professor, Chair Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences (AOS)
Blaire Van Valkenburgh
Associate Dean of the Life Sciences
for Academic Programs
 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB )
Stephanie White Professor
Neuroscience IDP
Integrative Biology and Physiology (IBP), Neuroscience IDP

* IDP, Interdisciplinary Program in the Life Sciences Division at UCLA