Congratulations to UCLA’s Inaugural CIRTL-Certified Scholars!

Congratulations to Jenny Link (top photo) and Elizabeth Reid-Wainscoat (bottom photo) for completing the Scholar Level certification for UCLA’s Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) – a prestigious national program sponsored by UCLA Graduate Division in collaboration with CEILS supporting the professional development of UCLA graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. CIRTL Certification requires training and coursework in effective and inclusive teaching practices, culminating in a teaching-as-research projec




Jenny Link is a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Medicine and also a current UPLIFT fellow. Her teaching-as-research project is titled: “Recurrent and varied in-class activities help students retain information in a lower division evolution, biodiversity, and ecology course.”




Elizabeth Reid-Wainscoat is a Masters candidate in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Her teaching-as-research project is titled “Does temperament composition impact group dynamics in an upper division biology lab course?”. Both presented their work to the CEILS journal club this Spring.

Congrats, Jenny and Elizabeth!
Learn more about CIRTL and this prestigious credential here.