Entering Mentoring Training – Spring 2018 RSVP

Dear UCLA Graduate Students and Postdocs,

The UCLA Entering Mentoring Training (EMT) Program seeks to develop a mentoring ethos by providing leadership, mentorship, and diversity sensitivity training to graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. This course is specifically for those who directly mentor trainees working on STEM research projects. The seminar is based on a curriculum developed by the Wisconsin Program for Scientific Teaching titled “Entering Mentoring: A Seminar to Train a New Generation of Scientist”. This course is supported by the NIH Diversity Program Consortium.

The next offering will be this Spring, April 04 – June 13, 2018 on Wednesdays, 4:00 – 5:30 pm. Those who complete the seminar course will receive a certificate of completion. Please see the syllabus attached. [EMT Spring 2018 Syllabus]

All are welcomed to RSVP; however, priority will be given to participants currently mentoring someone and senior graduate students and postdocs.

Please RSVP by March 18th at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EMT2018Spring
Participation confirmation will be sent out by March 20th.
Please contact the Program Director, Dr. Diana Azurdia, at dazurdia@mednet.ucla.edu for questions.


Diana Azurdia, Ph.D.
Associate Director for Recruitment and Diversity, Graduate Programs in Bioscience
University of California, Los Angeles
Email: dazurdia@mednet.ucla.edu
Website: http://bioscience.ucla.edu

[Job Listings] HHMI Postdoctoral Scholar Positions

UCLA: HHMI Postdoctoral Scholar in Environmental DNA Research and Science Education Research & Communication

UCLA department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) is recruiting one full-time postdoctoral scholar to perform environmental DNA (eDNA) research combined with science communication and discipline-based education research (DBER). The position is ideal for a candidate with a background in ecology and/or genetics as well as interest in curriculum development in undergraduate education. In collaboration with project partners in the department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) at UC Santa Cruz, the postdoctoral scholar will help establish a new education program called eSIE: environmental DNA for Science Investigation and Education, supported by a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) jointly awarded to UCSC and UCLA. The scholar will work with a team of researchers and science education experts on the eSIE program, and have the opportunity to publish in both scientific research and DBER fields.

[View Listing and Apply]

UC Santa Cruz: HHMI Postdoctoral Scholar in Environmental DNA Research, Education, and Outreach

UC Santa Cruz department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) is recruiting one full-time postdoctoral scholar to perform environmental DNA (eDNA) research and science education outreach. The position is ideal for a candidate with a background in molecular biology. In collaboration with project partners in the department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) at UC Los Angeles, the postdoctoral scholar will help establish a new education program called eSIE: environmental DNA for Science Investigation and Education, supported by a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) jointly awarded to UCSC and UCLA. The scholar will work with a team of researchers and science education experts on eDNA research that connects to the eSIE program.

[View Listing and Apply]

Registration for SABER West 2018 is now open!

Welcome to SABER West 2018! The second annual SABER West conference will be held on January 13 and 14, 2018 at the campus of University of California, Irvine. Plenary talks will be given by Dr. Carl Wieman of Stanford University and Dr. Richard Arum of the University of California, Irvine.

Registration is now open! For details please see the registration tab.

Important deadlines:
Early registration ends – November 20th
Hotel meeting rate registration ends – November 27th
Registration closes – December 15th

The goals of the meeting are to disseminate exciting STEM education research and to foster collaborations and connections with our local colleagues. There will also be significant professional development opportunities related to conducting education research and implementing evidence-based teaching practices.

Apply now! Graduate Students and Postdocs – Entering Mentoring Training Program

Thursdays, June 29 – August 31, 2017 | 9:00 – 10:30am

This program seeks to develop a mentoring ethos by providing leadership, mentorship and diversity sensitivity training to graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. In addition, the UCLA Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL), provides professional development and training for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. Although this course if not for credit, those who complete the seminar course will receive a certificate of completion as part of UCLA CIRTL engagement.


RSVP to attend by May 22nd at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EMTSUMMER2017RSVP


– For more information about the EMT program, see the website: https://ceils.ucla.edu/entering-mentoring-training-program/.
– For questions please contact Rachel Kennison (rkennison@ceils.ucla.edu) or Diana Azurdia (dazurdia@mednet.ucla.edu) .
– To register for CIRTL, please go to https://www.cirtl.net/

Three Scholarship Opportunities to the 2017 Case Study Teaching Fall Conference

This year the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science is pleased to offer three (3) scholarships to our 2017 Case Study Teaching Fall Conference held on September 15-16, 2017 in Buffalo, NY. Each scholarship includes: complimentary registration, meals served at the conference that are included in the conference registration, lunch both days and dinner on Friday), and up to a $300 stipend towards travel/room-and-board expenses, which will be reimbursed after the conference, with proof of expenses. For more information on the conference including registration, lodging and the conference schedule, please visit the conference website at: http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/cs/training/conference/

Scholarship Opportunities: (one scholarship in each category) 1. Post-Doctoral Fellow/Graduate Student, 2. K-12 Teacher, 3. College Faculty Member at a school tied to the following documented official designations (these are federally-designated): Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), Historically Black College/University (HBCU), Tribal College/University (TCU), or Minority Postsecondary Institution (MPI). Please provide documentation that your school meets these criteria by way of a website link or other document.

To apply for a scholarship, please submit an email application to Carolyn Wright cwright2@buffalo.edu by 5/1/17.

Submission Guidelines: Your application must be submitted according to the following requirements: One (1) PDF, Times New Roman, 11 pt. font, 3 page maximum, with the following pdf file name: category_lastname (ex: postdoc_wright). Only one application/category per person even if you might fall under several categories. The pdf document should contain the following information in the order/line breaks listed below:

1. Last Name, First Name
2. Category (select only one category)
3. Academic Title, Department
4. Institution name
5. Institution address
6. Email address, Phone number
7. What are your goals for teaching?
8. Why do you want to attend our conference?
9. How would you apply what you learn at our conference?
10. How would you share with colleagues what you learn at our conference?
11. If you are applying as a Graduate Student award, please give your expected degree and graduation year.
12. A copy of your CV (curriculum vitae) which is a professional resume. Your CV must be part of the 3 page limit pdf submission. For our purposes, we would like to know your: relevant science/teaching work experience (including related work at a school or private industry, e.g., work experience at a lab), your education, any science/teaching professional organizations you belong to, any publications, courses taught, awards/honors, etc.

Bringing Theory to Practice Workshop – Click Your Way to Inclusive Classrooms!

i<Clicker or similar polling systems are tools that instructors can use to effectively implement active learning in the classroom. Well designed questions can provide instructors with real-time feedback to highlight misconceptions, increase curiosity, and prompt student peer discussion.

Come and learn how to set-up the interactive polling system using i<Clicker. This session will include getting the instructor kit installed onto your computer, getting students set-up correctly the first week, best practices for question design and polling use, and general troubleshooting and Q&A.

Sessions will be facilitated by Jonathan Rodgers, Deb Pires, and Kristin Strong.

Bring your laptop and a flash drive. RSVP here and let us know if you will need an instructor kit. Your TA can accompany you, but should not be sent in your place.

This workshop will be offered 3 times (choose one):

  • Monday March 6:      10:00am – 11:00am          Hershey Hall, Room 164
  • Monday March 13:    1:00pm – 2:00pm              Terasaki Life Sciences Building, 1100
  • Tuesday April 4:        12:30pm – 1:30pm             Terasaki Life Sciences Building, 1100


Meet Kristin Strong, Senior Technology Specialist at i>Clicker


Need help with i<Clicker? If you have a question or have experienced a technical issue and need assistance troubleshooting, please reach out to Kristin Strong. Kristin works closely with instructors across UCLA to quickly address any issues. Working with a support team, she can jump onto a screen-share to resolve your issue, troubleshoot over the phone, or set up an on-campus meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact Kristin at  kristin.strong@macmillan.com.

New Masters of Arts in Learning and Design at Georgetown University

Georgetown University launches a new Master of Arts in Learning and Design program in Fall 2017. Focusing on instructional design, technology innovation, learning analytics and higher education leadership, the program is poised to train the next generation of leaders, who will drive learning forward. The program aims to equip students not only with key concepts in learning and design, but also opportunities for applied innovation in Georgetown’s Design Studio, where students can apply their knowledge in authentic classroom settings.

VIEW: Poster _ MA in Learning Design at Georgetown University
VIEW: Major Description and Requirements _ MA in Learning Design at Georgetown University

Feel free to contact administrators directly at learninganddesign@georgetown.edu.

We are currently soliciting interested UCLA and Santa Monica College STEM faculty to participate in Transforming College Teaching: Statewide Implementation of the Faculty Learning Program to Improve Stem Undergraduate Teaching and Learning.

The University of California Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science and the Center for Teaching and Learning received an NSF IUSE grant to improve student achievement in STEM undergraduate courses through statewide transformation of college level teaching. STEM faculty from 2- and 4-year institutions participate in the Faculty Learning Program together to learn and improve their instructional practice, and build relationships and understanding of one another’s teaching and learning contexts. UCLA, along with local community colleges with high transfer rates have been expressly asked to participate in this statewide program.

For more information on this program and what is expected, please find more information summarized on one page here: Faculty Learning Program
We encourage anyone interested to contact Rachel Kennison at rkennison@ceils.ucla.edu.

Thank you!

Featured Resource: Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion — Resources Available on Stereotype Threat, Implicit Bias, and Classroom Climate

Jerry Kang, Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion recently shared that  the new EDI website is now live at equity.ucla.edu.  Within the “Educational Materials” menu item are some great resources on stereotype threat, implicit bias, and classroom climate. In particular, there are a few videos of Jerry Kang speaking about implicit bias, which provide an excellent introduction and review of these important topics. Please check out these great resources and the new EDI website!

Featured Resource: Best Practices for Clickers (10min Video Clip)

Regardless of your experience using clickers, this is a wonderful resource to help you employ best practices for engaging students during lecture:

“Using Clickers Effectively” Evidence-based clicker practice in the Biology classroom”
University of Washington. Dr. Scott Freeman, Biology 180