Tuesday, June 23 from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. (Pacific)
Financial Strategies During Economic Disruption

Join live on 6/23 by visiting the UC LinkedIn or Facebook page at 12P PST

This 30-minute livestream conversation with UCLA’s Chief Investment Officer, Justin Barton, will cover how current events are impacting financial markets along with insights for navigating financial challenges and trustworthy sources of information.  This conversation will be moderated by UC San Diego Alumni Association President Kimberley Phillips Boehm.  Join live by visiting the University of California LinkedIn or Facebook page on June 23 at 12P Pacific to ask questions, no registration required.  Not able to join live? Subscribe to the Alumni Career Network to receive a link to the recording after the event.

Subscribe to the Alumni Career Network


Tuesday, July 7 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. (Pacific)
Women + Work: Finding a support network to maximize your impact

Looking to deepen connections in the workplace or a sounding board to help support your professional aspirations?  Join our panel of UC alumnae sharing insights on building professional alliances at work, leveraging employee resource groups (ERGs) and strategies for supporting inclusion in the workplace  This discussion will address how to leverage and tap into resource groups at your current company, strategies for building a network if one does not already exist and how deepening relationships at work can help propel your professional development.  This webinar will specifically focus on women’s leadership networks but will include strategies that apply for all.  Register to join live or to receive a link to the webinar recording.

Register for July 7 Webinar

HIRE UC Virtual Alumni Career Fair

HIRE UC Virtual Alumni Career Fair
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
10AM to 4PM (Pacific)
Online career fair connecting hiring organizations from all industries with UC alumni talent

Looking for your next career opportunity?  Join us online for our upcoming Hire UC Virtual Alumni Career Fair. Over 70+ employers from a wide variety of industries offering entry-level and experienced positions will be in attendance. This event is free for University of California alumni to attend, but you must register to participate.  

Register Now
Looking to hire UC talent?  Use the link above and select employer registration!
This event is hosted by the University of California in collaboration with Hire Talent.

Is It Ever OK to Lecture?

Telling is a time-tested and efficient way to communicate information. Just try to keep the strengths and weaknesses of lecturing in mind. The most effective teaching involves looking to communicate information in inefficient ways — that is, in ways that make students work to understand the information, and not just listen passively. So when we lecture, we need to:

  • Supplement periods of telling with activities in which students can then put to use the information we tell them.
  • Design activities that allow students to integrate the new information into their prior knowledge and make new concepts.
  • Think about how to prime students to receive a lecture, by creating activities that reveal to them the gaps in their own knowledge.

A big benefit of engaging students in active learning is that it reveals — to us and to them — what they don’t yet understand. With lecturing, we can tell them all we want, but whether they’re listening is anyone’s guess.


Congratulations to two CIRTL Scholars for presenting their Teaching as Research projects on the CIRTL network to the national cross network community.

Congratulations to two CIRTL Scholars for presenting their Teaching as Research projects on the CIRTL network to the national cross network community.

Elizabeth Mills: “Mixed Methods Assessment of Introductory Physics for Life Sciences Labs at UCLA” and Elizabeth Reid-Wainscoat: “Does temperament composition impact group dynamics in an upper division biology lab course?”

Elizabeth Mills

Elizabeth Reid-Wainscoat

Check out the videos of their presentations on the CIRTL.net website!

The Case for Teaching How to Teach

Graduate students who are taught how to teach are more likely to be prepared for the realities of working in higher education without affecting their research capacity, according to a new study.


The Trade-offs of Teamwork among STEM Doctoral Graduates

Kniffin, K. M., & Hanks, A. S. (2018). The trade-offs of teamwork among STEM doctoral graduates. American Psychologist, 73(4), 420-432. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/amp0000288

Teamwork has increasingly become prevalent in professional fields such as academic science, perhaps partly because research shows that teams tend to produce superior work. Although research on teamwork has typically focused on its impact on work products, the authors complement that work by examining the degree to which teamwork influences salary, hours worked, and overall job satisfaction. Drawing on microdata collected through the National Science Foundation’s Survey of Doctorate Recipients as well as the Survey of Earned Doctorates, the authors find that doctoral degree holders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields tend to earn substantially higher salaries and work more hours when they engage in teamwork.


Report Pushes for Big Change in Graduate STEM Ed

National Academies report urges program data transparency and a focus on core competencies.

U.S. graduate education in science, technology, engineering and math is, in many ways, the “gold standard” for the world. But it can and must better prepare graduates for a changing science landscape and multiple careers. It should also be more transparent in terms of where graduates end up working. So says a major new report on the future of graduate STEM education from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The report was drafted by the Committee on Revitalizing Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century, chaired by Alan Leshner, chief executive officer emeritus of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


Congratulations to UCLA’s Inaugural CIRTL-Certified Scholars!

Congratulations to Jenny Link (top photo) and Elizabeth Reid-Wainscoat (bottom photo) for completing the Scholar Level certification for UCLA’s Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) – a prestigious national program sponsored by UCLA Graduate Division in collaboration with CEILS supporting the professional development of UCLA graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. CIRTL Certification requires training and coursework in effective and inclusive teaching practices, culminating in a teaching-as-research projec




Jenny Link is a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Medicine and also a current UPLIFT fellow. Her teaching-as-research project is titled: “Recurrent and varied in-class activities help students retain information in a lower division evolution, biodiversity, and ecology course.”




Elizabeth Reid-Wainscoat is a Masters candidate in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Her teaching-as-research project is titled “Does temperament composition impact group dynamics in an upper division biology lab course?”. Both presented their work to the CEILS journal club this Spring.

Congrats, Jenny and Elizabeth!
Learn more about CIRTL and this prestigious credential here.

A Trend Toward Transparency for Ph.D. Career Outcomes?

Three efforts  — the Coalition for Next Generation Life Sciences; the 10,000 PhDs Project; and a new taxonomy of scientific jobs created by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences — are seeking to address the lack of data about Ph.D. outcomes.


Educating Biology PhDs for Life Beyond Academia

A growing number of universities, students, and funding organizations are working to change biology graduate education to meet the needs of students on a wide array of career paths. But before this new education model can take hold, graduate programs first have to figure out which career-development strategies work and how to cultivate a culture that embraces the change.