2017 Cohort and Facilitators from the Educational Development Conference
(Top Row: Jess Gregg, Jeff Maloy, Kersti Caddell Haatveit, Zach Norwood, Jacob Rooney, John Miller, Guarav Kandlikar, Carlos De La Rosa, Courtney Clark, Rachel Kennison; Bottom Row: Katilin Ingraham, Taylor Aubry, Anh Tran, Shanna Shaked, Danielle Smith, Erin Sanders)


The Life & Physical Sciences Divisions are exploring ways in which to enhance the training of Teaching Assistants (TAs). The goal of the Educational Development Conference — a train-the-trainer workshop — is to help TAs integrate student-centered and inclusive pedagogy into their courses. Aligned with this initiative is interest in engaging with the CIRTL network, which is a NSF-funded online learning community that promotes the professional development of graduate students and post-docs by using graduate education as a lever to develop future faculty committed to implementing effective and inclusive teaching practices.

For more information about CEILS TA training activities, please contact Dr. Erin Sanders (erins@ceils.ucla.edu).