CEILS offers faculty teaching development to interested UCLA and Community College STEM faculty through participation in Transforming College Teaching: Statewide Implementation of the Faculty Learning Program to Improve Stem Undergraduate Teaching and Learning.
The University of California Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science and the Center for Teaching and Learning received an NSF IUSE grant to improve student achievement in STEM undergraduate courses through statewide transformation of college level teaching. STEM faculty from 2- and 4-year institutions participate in the Faculty Learning Program together to learn and improve their instructional practice, and build relationships and understanding of one another’s teaching and learning contexts. UCLA, along with local community colleges with high transfer rates have been expressly asked to participate in this statewide program.
Read below for more information or read this 1-page flyer.
Anyone interested in the 2019 program should follow the link to apply below or contact Rachel Kennison (see below). Thank you!
Program Expectations
The objectives of the program are to 1) develop STEM education expertise, 2) gain experience in using online technologies to develop your instructional practice and support student learning 3) redesign your STEM lectures to apply what you learn and integrate new approaches to teaching.
Program Structure
The program is a 2-part progression, beginning with a 2-day, in person launch workshop that includes activities and discussions on the design of your classes, exploring ways to flip classrooms, using the management system as a participant in the program, and creating a learning community.
Part 1. Faculty take part in a series of seven 1.5-hour synchronous, online interactive workshops, as well as asynchronous, online reflective discussions that occur during alternating weeks. The synchronous sessions guide faculty through the process of redefining their role as instructor in your college courses, developing a deeper understanding of how to support learning. Video conferencing will make the workshops accommodating to faculty’s busy personal and professional schedules during the academic year. The asynchronous sessions provide faculty with time and space to think deeply about what they are learning and try out new strategies. The outcome of Part 1 is to redesign some or all of a large STEM lecture course that you will teach in the second part of the program.
Part 2. Sessions focus on peer observations to develop faculty’s skills in observing and providing feedback on teaching practice. The peer observations offer faculty: opportunity to use evidence to reflect on their practice with a colleague; develop knowledge and skills for observing and reflecting on practice; and an applied way to revisit their understanding of learning and teaching.
Time Commitment
For the entire progression of the curriculum, including the 2-day workshop, the time commitment is approximately 50 hours spread out between January and December. The first 25-35 hours occurs during the spring, and second part occurs in the fall.
All teaching staff, including lecturers and adjunct professors teaching lecture classes.
Support and Compensation
With the guidance of experienced, trained facilitators, you will receive tools and practice redesigning and implementing active learning along with creating inclusive classrooms. Participation can be recorded in your dossier as an activity that promotes equal opportunity and diversity in education and may be considered a component of the promotion and tenure process.
Apply and/or Contact Facilitator
Apply here by Nov. 2nd at 5pm.
Dr. Rachel L. Kennison
Associate Director for Professional Development and Student Engagement, CEILS
CIRTL@UCLA Program Coordinator
Faculty Learning Program Coordinator at UCLA
Email: rkennison@ceils.ucla.edu
Office Location: 210 Hershey Hall
Phone: (310) 825-6126