Registration for SABER West 2018 is now open!

Welcome to SABER West 2018! The second annual SABER West conference will be held on January 13 and 14, 2018 at the campus of University of California, Irvine. Plenary talks will be given by Dr. Carl Wieman of Stanford University and Dr. Richard Arum of the University of California, Irvine.

Registration is now open! For details please see the registration tab.

Important deadlines:
Early registration ends – November 20th
Hotel meeting rate registration ends – November 27th
Registration closes – December 15th

The goals of the meeting are to disseminate exciting STEM education research and to foster collaborations and connections with our local colleagues. There will also be significant professional development opportunities related to conducting education research and implementing evidence-based teaching practices.

Now is the Time to Think About Accessibility

The line between what we think of as normal practice and special accommodations is a thin one, and it’s often based on very little of substance. No matter our students’ ability, we need to try — within reason — to eliminate barriers that keep them from fully participating in our courses. We need to work to ensure that students have every opportunity to succeed. That’s true whether our students are disabled or not.


Online Education: Heading Toward the Future

Online learning has reached a tipping point in higher education. It has grown from a peripheral project of early tech adopters or a practice of the for-profit industry into an accepted way of delivering education that is now deeply embedded in the majority of colleges and universities. In a March 2017 survey conducted for The Chronicle of Higher Education by Maguire Associates, 1,287 administrators involved in online learning and decisions about online learning reported on the growth of online education at their colleges and universities. The findings demonstrate the maturing of online education and how its positive effects have ramifications for the wider educational system.


Why Female Students Leave STEM

In a new working paper, Georgetown University researchers explored what drives women who entered a STEM major to switch to something else. Their findings, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, show that the answer is a complex combination of factors, including the environment, perception of the major and grades. It also showed that previous theories don’t always hold up.