Bringing Theory to Practice Workshop – Click Your Way to Inclusive Classrooms!

i<Clicker or similar polling systems are tools that instructors can use to effectively implement active learning in the classroom. Well designed questions can provide instructors with real-time feedback to highlight misconceptions, increase curiosity, and prompt student peer discussion.

Come and learn how to set-up the interactive polling system using i<Clicker. This session will include getting the instructor kit installed onto your computer, getting students set-up correctly the first week, best practices for question design and polling use, and general troubleshooting and Q&A.

Sessions will be facilitated by Jonathan Rodgers, Deb Pires, and Kristin Strong.

Bring your laptop and a flash drive. RSVP here and let us know if you will need an instructor kit. Your TA can accompany you, but should not be sent in your place.

This workshop will be offered 3 times (choose one):

  • Monday March 6:      10:00am – 11:00am          Hershey Hall, Room 164
  • Monday March 13:    1:00pm – 2:00pm              Terasaki Life Sciences Building, 1100
  • Tuesday April 4:        12:30pm – 1:30pm             Terasaki Life Sciences Building, 1100


Meet Kristin Strong, Senior Technology Specialist at i>Clicker


Need help with i<Clicker? If you have a question or have experienced a technical issue and need assistance troubleshooting, please reach out to Kristin Strong. Kristin works closely with instructors across UCLA to quickly address any issues. Working with a support team, she can jump onto a screen-share to resolve your issue, troubleshoot over the phone, or set up an on-campus meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact Kristin at

2017 UCLA Mobile Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching
July 24-28, 2017 | University of California, Los Angeles

Applications now open!

The Summer Institute (SI) is a prestigious teaching development program that aims to improve college education in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and to enhance the academic success of all students by helping current and future faculty develop and adopt inclusive and effective teaching practices.

We invite faculty and instructors to participate in UCLA’s inaugural SI, which will draw on the expertise of both presenters and participants. Relevant education research, active learning, assessment, and inclusive teaching are woven into the program. The SI creates a forum to share ideas and develop innovative instructional materials to be implemented in your classroom.

Click here to learn more about the UCLA Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching.

Click here to apply!

Top 4 Life Science Career Clusters for Employment Opportunities

When searching for work, doctoral students ought to know about life science clusters–geographic groups of universities, research labs, science parks, incubators, hospitals, start-ups, large companies, and government agencies. Here are four.


New Masters of Arts in Learning and Design at Georgetown University

Georgetown University launches a new Master of Arts in Learning and Design program in Fall 2017. Focusing on instructional design, technology innovation, learning analytics and higher education leadership, the program is poised to train the next generation of leaders, who will drive learning forward. The program aims to equip students not only with key concepts in learning and design, but also opportunities for applied innovation in Georgetown’s Design Studio, where students can apply their knowledge in authentic classroom settings.

VIEW: Poster _ MA in Learning Design at Georgetown University
VIEW: Major Description and Requirements _ MA in Learning Design at Georgetown University

Feel free to contact administrators directly at

Help Professors Find Time to Think

Published in The Chronicle of Higher Education

Providing more faculty development opportunities for faculty members to think, talk, and write could help to improve faculty productivity and career burnout.

Teach Students Academic Writing or Endanger Degree Completion: Study

Published in Times Higher Education

Lack of self-efficacy plays a significant role in writing anxiety amongst graduate students, and this writing anxiety can often prevent students from completing their graduate degree.

Review Article – Learning Strategies: A Synthesis and Conceptual Model

Published in Nature Partner Journals – Science of Learning

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to explore a model of learning that proposes that various learning strategies are powerful at certain stages in the learning cycle.

UCLA Team Attends Conference on Biology Education Research

(Back, Left to Right: Elizabeth Roth-Johnson, Jordan Moberg Parker, Marc Levis-Fitzgerald, Christopher Lee; Front, Left to Right: Shanna Shaked (and Quin), Jessica Gregg, Erin Sanders, Blaire Van Valkenburgh, Gaston Pfluegl, Rachel Kennison; In attendance but not pictured: Frank Laski, Kristin McCully and Nadia Sellami)

On January 14-15, 2017 a group of UCLA faculty and staff were proud to take part in SABER West 2017– the first regional Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER)  conference, held at the University of California, Irvine.  UCLA’s recent efforts in biology education research were represented through presentations and poster sessions in addition to participating in networking events.

Research Article – Logged In and Zoned Out: How Laptop Internet Use Relates to Classroom Learning

Published in the Association for Psychological Science

Abstract: Laptop computers are widely prevalent in university classrooms. Although laptops are a valuable tool, they offer access to a distracting temptation: the Internet. In the study reported here, the authors assessed the relationship between classroom performance and actual Internet usage for academic and nonacademic purposes.