Discipline Specific Resources
Course-specific materials across STEM fields
Here is growing collection of course materials from the University of Colorado Science Education Initiative (CU-SEI) and the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative (CWSEI). There are numerous clicker questions for Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, Physics, and Geological Sciences, as well as clicker questions in some of the other disciplines.
If your main focus is clicker questions, this site contains a clicker resource guide and discipline-specific clicker question collections: http://www.cwsei.ubc.ca/resources/clickers.htm#questions
Developed by UCSF and HHMI, The iBiology Scientific Teaching Series is a collection of videos that provides current and future undergraduate biology instructors with the tools to design and implement a student-centered curriculum using evidence-based pedagogy.
HHMI offers a variety of interactive video resources ranging from Evolution, Chemistry of Life, Cell Biology, and many more.
American Chemical Society
Education resources for instructors of graduate and undergraduate courses in Chemistry
Journal of Chemical Education
Education journal published by ACS
Chemistry Education Research and Practice
Journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Collection of virtual labs, scenario-based learning activities, tutorials, and concept tests
Higher Education resources for teaching chemistry
Engineering and Applied Science
American Society for Engineering Education
Promotes engineering education through conferences, publications, fellowships and professional development opportunities
ABET Accreditation
Fosters quality and innovation in engineering education through institutional assessment process
Engineering Education Community Resource
Wiki intended to help faculty explore engineering education field; includes list of national and regional Centers for Engineering Research & Teaching
UW Center for Engineering Learning & Teaching
Center promotes and supports effective teaching and education research
Journal of Inquiry-based Learning in Mathematics
Publishes university-level course notes (free, downloadable, peer-reviewed, classroom tested)
Academy of Inquiry-based Learning (IBL)
Online community that provides resources (including course materials, workshops, and mini-grants) to support integration of IBL pedagogy into math courses
Mathematical Association of America
Provides teaching and professional development resources for faculty and departments
Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications
Non-profit organization with resources for undergraduate math courses
The Mathematics Archives for the Life Sciences
Archive of math materials for biology students collected by the Society for Mathematical Biology
Numbers Count!
Resources for biological problem solving using quantitative skills
Biological ESTEEM Collection
Excel spreadsheets with biological applications of mathematical principles
Physics and Astronomy
Physics Education
International journal that published articles on teaching introductory physics for undergraduates
Physics Education Research-Central
Collection of education resources, including assessment and classroom activities, for physics instructors
Mazur Group
Resources for teaching physics using peer instruction (collaborative learning in large lectures)
Physics Education Research at CU-Boulder
Largest PER program in the nation that develops and studies aspects of physics education reform, including the CLASS-Phys assessment instrument and PhET
NEXUS Physic Project
HHMI-funded education experiment supporting development of a new interdisciplinary physic curriculum
American Institute of Physics
Data on physics and astronomy enrollments and degrees at the undergraduate level
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Provides resources on a variety of sponsored education programs (e.g., Universe in the Classroom)