Introduction to Backwards Design, Writing Learning Outcomes, Creating an Inclusive Course Syllabus
Formative vs. Summative Assessment, Structuring Grading Policies, Redos and Extra Credit
Why Active Learning? Strategies for Large and Small Classrooms, including use of polling technology such as i>Clicker and online tools for laptops and smart devices.
Ways to Organize Students into Groups and Other Collaborative Learning Strategies that Work
Understanding Implicit Bias and Stereotype Threat, Teaching Strategies Designed to Cultivate Inclusive Classrooms
Strategies for Getting Feedback from Your Students, Using a Mid-Quarter Evaluation
Open-source and free multimedia resources you can use to supplement textbook materials.
View resources by specific discipline: Biology, Chemistry, Engineering and Applied Science, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Additional information about CEILS services and programs available throughout the year include individual consultations, summer institutes and programs.
“Bringing Theory to Practice” (BTtoP) workshops are short (1-2 hours) targeted traingings and workshops offered throughout the year.