- Aydogan Ozcan and Arnold Suwarnasarn – HHMI Undergraduate Research, Training and Innovation Program for Translational Biophotonics and Telemedicine Technologies
- Adrienne Lavine and Kumiko Haas – E-FT^2: Faculty Teaching Faculty about Teaching
- Corey Evans – A CURE for the Common Undergrad: Discovery-based Science Education using Drosophila
- Cully Nordby and Noah Garrison – Students Move Science to Real-World Action in the Innovative Environmental Science Senior Practicum
- Ann Hirsch and Maskit Maymon – Investigating Earth’s Ultimate Symbiosises Plant-Microbe Communication Lecture and Immersion Lab (MCDB C150 / MCDB 150AL)
- Tama Hasson – Undergraduate Research Center- Sciences: Curricular and Co-Curricular Instruction
- Alex Kusenko and Warren Essey – Kudu: A Free App to Help Adopt Active Learning Techniques, Replace iClicker, and Even Replace your Textbook at a fraction of the cost
- Jochen Stutz – Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and the new Climate Science Major
- Jordan Moberg Parker – Collaborative Course-Based Undergrad Research Experience (co-CUREs) Benefit Students and Faculty
- Jane Shevtsov, Will Conley, and Alan Garfinkel – Teaching Differential Equation Modeling to First-Year Biology Students
- Rachel Kennison – Career Exploration in the Life Sciences: An Innovative Course to Increase Retention of Undergraduate Life Science Majors and Persistence in STEM Careers
- Marc Levis-Fitzgerald, Erin Sanders, Kelly Wahl, Shanna Shaked, et al. (Presented by Elizabeth Mills) – A Spectrum of Tools to Motivate and Assess Teaching Reform
Poster Presentations | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
You are here: Home1 / Building a Framework to Integrate STEM Curricular and Co-Curricular Innovations at UCLA2 / Agenda for the second AAU STEM Workshop: Sharing Best Practices Across the Curriculum3 / Poster Presentations | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Scholar - Advance and Disseminate
- CIRTL Scholars have added to community knowledge about teaching and learning. They have designed and implemented a Teaching-as-Research investigation, and defended the findings to CIRTL learning-community peers. The significance of CIRTL Scholar Teaching-as-Research work is established through presentation and/or publication of the findings to all-university, regional, national, or international audiences.