Entries by maojacan

New Masters of Arts in Learning and Design at Georgetown University

Georgetown University launches a new Master of Arts in Learning and Design program in Fall 2017. Focusing on instructional design, technology innovation, learning analytics and higher education leadership, the program is poised to train the next generation of leaders, who will drive learning forward. The program aims to equip students not only with key concepts…

Help Professors Find Time to Think

Published in The Chronicle of Higher Education Providing more faculty development opportunities for faculty members to think, talk, and write could help to improve faculty productivity and career burnout.

UCLA Team Attends Conference on Biology Education Research

(Back, Left to Right: Elizabeth Roth-Johnson, Jordan Moberg Parker, Marc Levis-Fitzgerald, Christopher Lee; Front, Left to Right: Shanna Shaked (and Quin), Jessica Gregg, Erin Sanders, Blaire Van Valkenburgh, Gaston Pfluegl, Rachel Kennison; In attendance but not pictured: Frank Laski, Kristin McCully and Nadia Sellami) On January 14-15, 2017 a group of UCLA faculty and staff…

Research Article – Logged In and Zoned Out: How Laptop Internet Use Relates to Classroom Learning

Published in the Association for Psychological Science Abstract: Laptop computers are widely prevalent in university classrooms. Although laptops are a valuable tool, they offer access to a distracting temptation: the Internet. In the study reported here, the authors assessed the relationship between classroom performance and actual Internet usage for academic and nonacademic purposes.

Gender Bias in Academe: An Annotated Bibliography

Academic research plays an important role in uncovering bias and helping to shape a more equal society. But academia also struggles to adequately confront persistent and entrenched gender bias in its own corridors. Here Danica Savonick and Cathy N. Davidson have aggregated and summarised over twenty research articles on gender bias in academe, a crucial resource…