In addition to hosting onsite and online workshops, CEILS provides services such as consultations for individual instructors as well as formal mentoring programs for current and future faculty interested in becoming more effective teachers, assessing student learning, developing grant proposals, engaging in education research or other scholarly teaching activities.

Annual Faculty Professional Development Programs

Faculty Workshop on Best Practices in Teaching

A full-day event for faculty and instructors held prior to the beginning of the academic year. Topics include inclusive teaching practices, highlights from current education research, tips and strategies for increasing active learning and student engagement, and multiple concurrent sessions on specific tools and teaching approaches.

View details for the 2018 Faculty Workshop.

Mobile Summer Institutes

Summer Institute Logo with Sponsors

The Summer Institutes model the scientific teaching principles they teach. The institutes invite college and university faculty, instructional staff, and future faculty to develop teaching skills at multi-day workshops to transform the undergraduate classroom. They draw on the expertise of participants and presenters. Current research, active learning, assessment, and inclusive teaching are woven into the program, creating a forum to share ideas and develop innovative instructional materials to be implemented upon returning home.

CEILS has supported the attendance of several faculty at the Mobile Summer Institutes in different regions of the country.

Applications now open for our 2018 Summer Institute! Click below for more information and to submit your application.

A list of faculty who have become “Scientific Teaching Fellows” by attending a summer institute can be viewed under “Change Agents”.

Faculty Learning Program to Improve STEM Undergraduate Teaching and Learning

CEILS offers faculty teaching development to interested UCLA and Community College STEM faculty through participation in Transforming College Teaching: Statewide Implementation of the Faculty Learning Program to Improve Stem Undergraduate Teaching and Learning.

UCLA, along with local community colleges with high transfer rates have been expressly asked to participate in this statewide program. For more information on this program and what is expected, please click here.

Individual Faculty Consultations

  • Course design
  • Evidence-based teaching in small and large classrooms
  • Technology assistance (such as clickers)
  • Assessment design
  • Peer-to-peer mentoring about effective teaching practices
  • Getting feedback from students – mid-quarter evaluations and additional “just in time” techniques

Departmental Training and Consultation Services

  • Inclusive teaching tidbits – 20 minute sessions modeling inclusive pedagogy that can be implemented in large and small STEM courses
  • Curricular planning consultations – Providing a structure to improve the alignment of learning outcomes across courses in the major
  • Targeted training based on departmental needs – Engaging TACs and Faculty Advisors to improve 495 TA training courses, facilitate classroom technology training for faculty cohorts, coordinate training of faculty working groups interested in developing clicker questions, common exam questions, case study examples, or other learning assets
  • BTtoP Workshops can be offered as part of departmental trainings. These workshops assist with: course design, implementing active learning, or using instructional technology, and includes training and implementation of the Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS).

Focus Groups

  • A CEILS staff member can facilitate a student-centered anonymous focus group to help individual instructors as well as departments gather feedback from students on successes and challenges present in their course(s).

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Mission:  Build an equal learning and working environment, by holding ourselves accountable to our professed ideals.

Slogan: Build equity, for all.

The office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion provides valuable resources for faculty development including training and education resources on topics such as implicit bias and stereotype threat.  Visit their website at

Webinars | STEM Faculty Learning Community

A Role for STEM Centers for Teaching and Learning in Changing the Teaching Culture
June 21, 2017

Host: Erin R. Sanders, Director, Center for Education Innovation and Learning in the Sciences (CEILS), UC Los Angeles