Entries by maojacan

Interactive Strategies for Engaging Large and Small Classes Alike

–Faculty Focus As faculty, our goal is to create an environment in which students are engaged with the material, while at the same time ensuring that they are prepared to advance in their studies. There are many techniques and tricks and pedagogies we can use—some requiring a lot of work, some requiring less, but perhaps…

Grant Opportunity for UCLA Instructors using Kudu

CEILS would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to one of our new collaborators in educational development, Kudu! What is Kudu? Kudu is an online textbook/learning platform designed by Drs. Alex Kusenko and Warren Essey in UCLA’s Department of Physics and Astronomy. At the heart of Kudu is a passion for making textbooks…

Lecture Instruction: Alive and Not So Well

– Inside Higher Ed New study of undergraduate STEM courses finds that lectures remain dominant — despite finding after finding questioning their effectiveness. See the research paper published in the March 2018 issue of Science Magazine: Anatomy of STEM Teaching in North American Universities Congratulations to Erin Sanders (CEILS), Blaire Van Valkenburgh (Life Sciences), Frank Laski…

2017-2018 Instructional Improvement Grant Program

2017-2018 Instructional Improvement Grant Program, UCLA Office of Instructional Development View more information on the IIP Grant Website. The Instructional Improvement Grant Program supports curricular experimentation and development and instructional improvement of undergraduate offerings. Projects may be initiated by faculty, departments, or larger units. Proposals should address the specific needs of an undergraduate course or…

Creating an Inclusive Classroom

– Inside Higher Ed Strategies for making learning more accessible for students with disabilities often make the classroom experience  better for all students, writes Sara Schley.

A Trend Toward Transparency for Ph.D. Career Outcomes?

Three efforts  — the Coalition for Next Generation Life Sciences; the 10,000 PhDs Project; and a new taxonomy of scientific jobs created by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences — are seeking to address the lack of data about Ph.D. outcomes. [READ MORE]

Same Course, Different Ratings

–Inside Higher Ed A new study in PS: Political Science combines elements of prior research on gender bias in student evaluations of teaching, or SETs, and arrives at a serious conclusion: institutions using these evaluations in tenure, compensation and other personnel decisions may be engaging in gender discrimination. The study says students rate male instructors more highly…